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Why do we need a food bank in a prosperous area?

David Proud, one of our Trustees, was invited to speak to members on the subject “How is our local food bank run?” at the Waltham Chase Women’s Institute (WI) on valentine’s evening.

Those attending were very interested to learn that the volume of referrals had increased by over 50% but that the food bank was coping well. 

Food donations continue to come in from both established and new sources and cash donations have reached unprecedented levels.

David addressed specifically the question of why we need a food bank in a seemingly prosperous area. 

Clients come to us from so many different backgrounds and circumstances – broken homes, terminal illness, accidents and mental health struggles as well as problem that stem from the cost of living and energy crisis.

We are grateful to WI members for their generous donation of food items which we will put to good use over the coming weeks.