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New bank account for Meon Valley Food Bank

bank cards

As a registered charity we need to upgrade our bank account to recognise our charitable status.

We are very grateful to all our regular donors for their support particularly as most weeks we are now buying in food to provide for the needy families we support.

If you are a current donor you should have heard from Annie Thomas, our new Chair, giving you details of our new account.

Please fell free to contact us if you wish to confirm the authenticity of an email you have received from Meon Valley Food Bank.

If you have not heard from Annie or would like to make a regular financial donation to the work of the food bank please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Regular donations through PayPal are not affected by this change. If you have a regular PayPal donation in place, you do not need to take any action. Donations will continue as normal.

With many thanks

The Food Bank Trustees