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Mayor of Winchester visits the Food Bank

On Monday September 20th we welcomed Vivian Achwal, Mayor of Winchester and Dr Sudhakar Achwal, the Mayor’s Consort, to our new home at The Community Centre, Wickham.

Main picture above, Vivian Achwal being welcomed by Mike Salter, Chairman of the Food Bank Trustees.

We were delighted to be able to explain in some detail how the food bank operates and show them the excellent facility we now have to support families throughout the Meon Valley. 

Janet Dunford, one of our long-serving Volunteers, explaining how we make up our food parcels.

One of the real strengths of the Meon Valley Food Bank is the Volunteer team, many of whom have been with us since the food bank began operation back in 2015.

In a typical week we are now supporting around 10 families and are well placed to cope with any increased demand that may come from changes to benefits or further Covid related issues.