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Food Bank Manager Job Specification


Since first opening its doors in 2015, the Meon Valley Food Bank has established itself as a highly regarded and well managed charity serving a wide area of the Meon Valley.  The food bank is based at the Wickham Community Centre

In the last 2 to 3 years the food bank has experienced considerable growth and is now at a point where it wishes to appoint a new Manager.  The role, as detailed below, calls for someone to provide leadership as the organisation continues to develop in the context of current and future economic and social developments.


Responsible to the Trustees for:


  • The day-to-day management of the food bank.  This will involve undertaking some tasks throughout the week.  Note: The core operating hours are Monday between 9 am and noon for the receipt of food and Tuesday between 9 am and 2 pm for the distribution of food parcels
  • Ensuring that all email and phone enquiries are dealt with expeditiously
  • Publishing a weekly “shortage” list via email and making a regular online supermarket order/ trip to a local large foodstore to ensure suitable supplies of food and other essential items
  • Overseeing the receipt of donated food items and supermarket orders: checking that food is “in date” and marked-up plus its careful and correct storage – done largely by volunteers under your supervision.
  • Overseeing the preparation of food parcels and arranging collection or delivery.  Note:  At present the foodbank deliveries are supported by the Rotary Club who provide a vehicle and driver. There are also other insured drivers amongst volunteers and trustees.
  • Overseeing the referral process to ensure that a regular review of users take place and food bank dependency is not created


  • The recruitment, training and ongoing development of the volunteer team in line with agreed policies ensuring accurate records are kept, including when training has been completed
  • Managing speculative volunteer applications
  • Ensuring that all aspects of the food bank operation are compliant with, in particular, data protection, health and safety and safeguarding best practice
  • Using the Volunteer What’sApp group to keep people informed

Note: one volunteer has a defined role providing administrative support.

Management, Administration and Finance

  • Maintaining appropriate records and ensuring they are maintained in a secure environment
  • Managing Petty Cash, including receipt of donations made during operating hours, and liaising with the Treasurer re all expenditure receipts
  • Liaising with the Webmaster to ensure the food bank website is interesting and up to date
  • Working with referral agents and other support organisations to ensure clients have access to appropriate advice.
  • Providing information to donors, and other interested parties, on the needs and performance of the food bank ensuring they have information that is useful to their own audience
  • Working with the Trustees to identify areas of concern and possible growth opportunities/new initiatives
  • Using every opportunity to raise the profile of the food bank eg through articles in relevant publications or giving talks to interested groups


It is essential that the Food Bank Manager ensures:

  • that all internal relationships are based on openness, honesty, trust and respect
  • that all discrimination and prejudice is dealt with in line with foodbank policies the moment it becomes apparent
  • that all contact with clients is made in the open and in the presence of another volunteer
  • that all contact with clients is kept professional and that no offers of personal help are given, be they practical or financial.


  • Comfortable working in a Christian environment.  The Meon Valley Food Bank is church-led with the trustees all being committed Christians
  • Will have real concern for the problems of food poverty in society and our local area
  • Sensitive and empathetic
  • Well organised and concerned for detail, able to cope with multiple tasks across the full spectrum of food bank activities
  • Able to work on own initiative but also to provide leadership and support to the volunteer team that currently numbers between 20 & 25
  • Numerate and able to work closely with the Treasurer.  Note:  The food bank is a Registered Charity and therefore its financial affairs are highly regulated with a need to produce annual reports and accounts.
  • Computer literate – totally comfortable using Outlook, Word and Excel.  The food bank has an online database and cloud document storage.  IT support is provided.
  • Excellent communication skills, able to represent the charity at community events as required either as a guest or as a speaker
  • Previous experience of working within the voluntary/charity sector is desirable
  • Car owner/driver


  • We expect this will require 15 – 20 hours per week
  • We expect to pay £25 per hour, depending upon experience should the manager wish to be paid

The Future

It is anticipated that further structural changes to the food bank operation may become necessary including the appointment of other key staff.  The Food Bank Manager will play a key part in identifying needs and implementing changes.