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Christmas support for children

Working with local schools to ensure that children who normally benefit from free school meals do not miss out

Much has been made of the campaign by Marcus Rashford to ensure that children who are eligible for free school meals are not disadvantaged during holiday periods and the Government has recently announced a Covid Winter Grant Scheme which will make more money available to local councils to provide support to families.

In a new venture for us, we are working with local schools to ensure that children who normally benefit from free school meals do not miss out.  For these children we are putting together a pack containing enough food to provide a lunch every day for two weeks. 

The easiest way to access this offer is via the school your children attend but if this isn’t possible for whatever reason please do contact us directly.  You can contact us via the website or call us on 07956 375447.  Our office is only open on a Tuesday so you may not get an immediate response to any phone message.

Support for the whole family can be arranged through organisations such as Citizens Advice.  They have a new number on which you can contact the local office on 0808 278 7861.  For all families who are referred we are able to provide 7 days’ worth of tinned and packaged food

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can help in any way and we look forward to hearing from you.